The Biotechnology Training Program (BTP) at the University of Wisconsin–Madison offers an opportunity for doctoral students to obtain specific training and experience in the ever-growing field of biotechnology, complete with focused coursework, an industry internship, and funding for up to two years. BTP is a multi-disciplinary training program funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, an institute of the NIH. It also receives substantial support from the UW–Madison Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education and participating UW–Madison schools, colleges, and departments. Learn more at our About page or continue reading for some information on what you can get out of the program.
BTP at a Glance
Average years to degree: 5.7
Be a part of a group of talented doctoral students who on average graduate in less than six years. Over the last 15 years, 155 students have been part of the program. Of those, 87% have either completed their Ph.D. or are still in training.
URM Trainees who finished a Ph.D. or are still in training: 89%
BTP fosters an environment that welcomes all scientists and promotes excellence and strength through diversity.
Average number of publications: 5.8
During their training, trainees publish an average of 5.8 academic articles and serve as first author on 2.6 of them.
Trainees who receive additional fellowships: 41%
Our trainees are highly sought after. Over one third of them receive other fellowships to support their graduate work during non-BTP funded years, such as from the National Science Foundation or the university itself.
Career opportunities after BTP: Infinite
BTP alumni have successful careers in many biotechnology-related areas in both academia and industry.
BTP Meet ’n Greet @ 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Allen Centennial Garden, English Garden, 620 Babcock Drive
Foundations in Biotech: Biochemistry 729.007 @ 1:20 pm - 2:10 pm 1116 Biochemistry
Foundations in Biotech: Biochemistry 729.007 @ 1:20 pm - 2:10 pm 1116 Biochemistry
Foundations in Biotech: Biochemistry 729.007 @ 1:20 pm - 2:10 pm 1116 Biochemistry
Foundations in Biotech: Biochemistry 729.007 @ 1:20 pm - 2:10 pm 1116 Biochemistry