Trainee Requirements

BTP Trainee Seminar

BTP trainees participate and present in a weekly seminar in the years in which they receive BTP funding. These seminars expose students to the research being conducted in their trainee peers’ labs, and also to industries in which BTP trainees complete their industry internships. This exposure includes not only research areas and methods, but also effective science communication.

Upcoming Seminars

There are no upcoming events.

Responsible Conduct of Research

All trainees must take a campus offered Responsible Conduct of Research course prior to their nomination.

Trainees also take a refresher course in Responsible Conduct of Research in the fourth year of their graduate studies; Biochem 729.008 is the option to fulfill this requirement.

Upcoming Courses

There are no upcoming events.

Foundations of Biotechnology

All BTP trainees leave the program with a nuanced understanding of biotechnology and it all starts in the required one-semester Foundations of Biotechnology course trainees take while supported by the program. The course provides students with an overview of the foundations of the biotechnology industry: technology transfer, patents and protection of intellectual property, business development cycle, and other topics. Trainees also get guidance on preparing effective oral, visual, and written presentations in the field of biotechnology. The course instructors routinely bring in outside experts from across the university and local business community to enhance these discussions.

Upcoming Courses

BTP Winter Banquet

The BTP Annual Winter Banquet is held to foster closer affiliation between BTP and the biotechnology industry. The banquet is typically held mid-winter in Madison, WI, and provides an opportunity to thank past supporters, welcome new friends, and furnish an occasion for industry leaders to meet the BTP trainees and their faculty mentors. The evening features a poster session and reception showcasing the BTP trainees’ research, allowing ample time for collegial conversation. Dinner follows, and the evening concludes with a keynote speech by a prominent member of the biotechnology community.

Titles of the posters are sent to participants prior to the banquet. Industry representatives may wish to set up formal interviews with trainees interested in internships or future employment in conjunction with the Winter Banquet. Companies will have the option of presenting a table display regarding their company and employment opportunities, and to have their representatives meet with UW­–Madison researchers during their stay in Madison.

Past keynote speakers at the BTP Winter Banquet have included:

There are no upcoming events.